to the Captain S website! Here you'll be able to view
the newest, most radical episodes featuring Chad and the
gang! You can also check out character bios and photos,
read Becky's Bulletin, and keep up to date on all the
happenings in Video-Land. SEGA!
taken 'Captain N' and 'Saved By the Bell' and created a smorgesborg
of radness!" - Stuttering Craig, ScrewAttack.com -
You cheered as he saved Video Land. You cried
out for a second season. Now get ready as the Captain
S saga continues – as a comic! “Bombos VS Everything” artist Maximo
V. Lorenzo and PBC are teaming
up to bring you the continuing adventures of Captain S every
two weeks! As you can see by the first page, the story continues
directly after the conclusion of Season One, and will bridge the
gap between Season Two. Get ready for more insane action, riveting
plotlines and cheesy humor that you came to love in the first installment
of Captain S! Also - very soon a new section will be added to this
site to house all of the new comics.
(click on the above image to view the webcomic series!)