PBC fans remember last year's Go For Broke Day - we pitted ourselves against some insane challenges. Some were victorious, others lay broken...all took impossible risks. That's what Go For Broke Day is all about, being Don Quixote and fighting the impossible fight.
This Sunday marks another G4B Day celebration, and we're going to be Twittering our progress against our insane challenges live over the net. Brett and Darrin are going to be tweeting at PBC Productions, while Z and Chad's exploits are going to be on Little Miss Gamer.
Darrin and Brett: Play through the entire setlist of Guitar Hero: Metallica (Darrin on the ax, Brett on the tubs.)
Chad: Kill Dracula before the sun sets in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Z: Play Katamari all the way through and finally beat The Moon!
BTW: we want you to pepper the Internet with your own personal challenges. If you take a huge risk in the forest, and no one hears about it, did you really risk all? Putting your reputation on the line is part of an excellent G4B challenge.
Z is going to be at I-Con this weekend! This marks the second year LMG is representing the home team out in Long Island. Last year we saw Ernie Hudson, Ecto-1, the guy who wrote The Last Unicorn, and overall it was a blast. This year she'll be participating in the following panels:
FRIDAY 7pm @ SCC A115
The Nintendo Wii: Why I'm Playing or Why I Won't
SATURDAY 12pm @ SCC A323
The Best Games You’ve Never Heard of
From Pac Man to Master Chief: The Evolution of the Mascot
Hardcore vs Casual Gamers
SUNDAY 11am @ SCC LH 135
Next Generation of Consoles: Whats Next
Video Games are:Art, Social Commentary, Pure Brain Rot, or all of the above
If you're in the Long Islands, you should stop by. I-Con has a lot to offer. Last year Chad and Z took a break by watching a few episodes of Kimba: The White Lion. The average age in that room was well over 40. The rest of the con-goers (aka the majority) were cosplaying, rummaging through a huge dealer's room, playing video games, watching anime, and basking in the tremendous fan culture that I-Con collects. We hope to see you there! |