10/31/08 Who better to face the undead hordes than Death himself? The idea for a feature-length zombie-slicing buddy flick starring Death came into Chad's head at one of the many JoeCam parties in Berwick, PA. He credits a combination of videogames, friends, and an absolute lack of remorse for the reanimated.
The trailer was created in under 48 hours - utilizing the puppet-making skills of Z and Chad's lack of set-building skills. To make everything harder, Brett did the voices for both Death and Mike - live - while Z, Brett, and David William puppeted the characters.
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10/25/08 The internet is chock-full of angry pop-culture reviewers these days, but undeniably The Nostalgia Critic is one of the most popular. Well, angry just got a little more adorable as Little Miss Gamer has found another hangout on thatguywiththeglasses.com, the official home of the Nostalgia Critic. You can check out her most recent episode, High Compatibility, on the main page now. Also be sure to bookmark her little slice of the Critic's site here.
Also, check out today's most recent installment in the Video-Land Saga. It's an *ahem* easy read for all you internet folk... lots of pictures. :)
Oh, and before we forget - show some love to the artist of the Video-Land Saga, Maximo V. Lorenzo, by purchasing Tokyopop's new Ghostbuster manga, for which Max did a lot of the artwork. We artsy, city folk might not be "Real America," but we still need to eat. Just like Joe the Plumber.
Push it Along
10/18/08 People on the Internet have been calling this video "GENIUS GENIUS GENIUS" and "sega sucks". Sweet dissension. I'm just glad to make a tribute to one of my favorite MCs, Murs. He's been collabing with Slug, 9th Wonder, has been in groups like Atmosphere and Felt, and now he's joined RadioHead in releasing a new "pay what you want" album, Sweet Lord. "Pusshhhhhh" is one of the best tracks on the album, which is a fun listen - and it's got none of that gangster nonsense. Like Public Enemy said, "Put those crime rhymes back on the shelf!"
Some big announcements: Maximo V. Lorenzo (the artist of the VideoLand Saga) has been featured on Destructoid's Art Attack Friday. Dale North gives some props to our boy's contributions to the new Ghostbusters manga, as well as his overall ass-kicking art style. Have you purchased a copy of Bombos yet? We have like, 3 copies laying around the house.
We just got a brand new batch of Captain S soundtracks in, so if you haven't gotten one yet - now's your chance. This could be the last order we ever place - the last few CDs to be run off. Maybe. 1/2 of the proceeds go to buying Chad more squirrel-related t-shirts.
Finally, Puppet Rampage - our first feature documentary - was recently accepted into the Queens International Film Festival! Woo-hoo! We're hoping this is the first of many festival screenings, but it will be the world premiere so it's extra special. The QIFF (love that abbr.) will be screening films on November 6-9th, and I'm assuming that we'll be allowed to talk about the film and answer questions and stuff. If you're in the neighborhood and want to check out some inspirational indy films (and ours, too) then you should think about swinging by.
We'll be announcing when / where the Puppet Rampage screening is as soon as we get the info.
Hogan's Alley. Cupid Angling. Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color. Now, the VideoLand Saga.
Too Many Games is fast approaching - October 18th, to be precise - and PBC is representing. A ton of vendors, tournaments, cool peeps, and of course, a hot line-up of videogame bands. We had a blast last TMG and hope to see you there. I'm definitely looking forward to another insane Temp Sound Solutions set. Tickets are 5 WHOLE DOLLARS at the door, so if you're not doing anything next Saturday, get your butt to TMG!!
Little Miss Gamer - High Compatibility
Parodying a certain favorite 90's movie, Little Miss Gamer talks about the different kinds of gamers in her top 5 list. Guest starring Mike and Mariah from Digital Press, and fellow puppeteers Michael Schupbach and Will Pike.
Oh, and by the way - Happy October!!! Upcoming appearences: October 18th - Too Many Games Con. Get Psyched!